Monday, March 30, 2009
Dunia Blog
Bulan Mac 2009 akan meninggalkan kita. Banyak peristiwa yang berlaku dalam hidup penulis pada bulan mac 2009 ini. Penulis mula berjinak - jinak dalam dunia penulisan blog. Sebelum ini penulis cuma mengikuti perkembangan dan membaca pelbagai pandangan, komen, pendapat dan artikel yang berlaku di negara kita ini. Alhamdulillah terbuka hati penulis untuk mengendalikan laman blog sendiri. Niat penulis cuma satu, berpesan - pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan - pesan dengan kesabaran. Tidak di nafikan terlalu banyak blog yang wujud, terpulang bagi pembaca untuk menapis kebenaran dan pembohongan sesuatu blog. Jangan percaya bulat - bulat dengan apa yang anda baca. Selidiki dengan bijak dan pertimbangkan seeloknya.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sikap yang perlu ada pada Blogger
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
[1] Demi Masa![2] Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian;
[3] Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar.
Surah al Asr (Ayat 1 hingga 3)
Buat saudara dan saudari,
Internet merupakan teknologi yang berkembang pesat. Melalui internet kita dapat mengetahui perkara yang berlaku di sudut benua yang lain. Ini merupakan anugerah tuhan yang dikurniakan-NYA kepada manusia. Kebijaksanaan kepada sesiapa yang berusaha. Pepatah arab ada mengatakan " Man Jadda Wa Jadda Wa Man Zaroa Hasada" yang bermaksud "sesiapa yang bercucuk tanam akan mendapat hasilnya dan sesiapa yang berusaha akan berjaya. Melalui teknologi internet juga segala ilmu, informasi, berita dan sebagainya boleh dicapai tanpa batasan.
Persoalannya disini :-
1. Sejauh manakah kebenaran maklumat yang kita perolehi dari internet ini, sahih kebenarannya?
2. Setakat manakah nilai tanggung jawab para Blogger :-
- Membahagikan masa berblog dengan kerjaya, keluarga dan masyarakat?
- Dengan apa yang di sebarkannya? (bukan cakap kosong atau fitnah)
- Menyampaikan ilmu, maklumat dan berita kerana sifat "Tabligh" hasil dari teladan nabi.
Part 2 - The True Islamic Morals
According to the Qur'an, one of the greatest sins is to kill a human being who has committed no fault:
...If someone kills another person - unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth - it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in the earth. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 32)
Those who do not call on any other deity together with God and do not kill anyone God has made inviolate, except with the right to do so, and do not fornicate; anyone who does that will receive an evil punishment. (Surat al-Furqan: 68)
As we can see in the verses above, those who kill innocent human beings without a cause are threatened with evil punishment. God has revealed that killing one person is as great a sin as killing all mankind. Anyone who respected the prerogatives of God would not do harm to even one individual, let alone murdering thousands of innocent people. Those who think that they will escape justice and punishment in this world will never escape the account they must give in the Presence of God on the Last Day. So, those believers who know they will give an account to God after their death, will be very careful about respecting the limits God has established.
God Commands Believers To Be Compassionate And Merciful
In this verse, Muslim morality is explained:
...To be one of those who believe and urge each other to steadfastness and urge each other to compassion. Those are the Companions of the Right. (Surat al-Balad: 17-18)
As we see in this verse, one of the most important moral precepts that God has sent down to His servants so that they may receive salvation and mercy and attain Paradise, is to "urge each other to compassion".
Islam as described in the Qur'an is a modern, enlightened, progressive religion. A Muslim is above all a person of peace; he is tolerant with a democratic spirit, cultured, enlightened, honest, knowledgable about art and science and civilized.
A Muslim educated in the fine moral teaching of the Qur'an, approaches everyone with the love that Islam expects. He shows respect for every idea and he values art and aesthetics. He is conciliatory in the face of every event, diminishing tension and restoring amity. In societies composed of individuals such as this, there will be a higher civilization, a higher social morality, more joy, happiness, justice, security, abundance and blessings than in the most modern nations of the world today.
God Has Commanded Tolerance And Forgiveness
Surat al-A'raf, verse 199, which says "practice forgiveness", expresses the concept of forgiveness and tolerance which is one of the basic principles of the religion of Islam.
When we look at Islamic history, we can see clearly how Muslims established this important precept of the moral teaching of the Qur'an in their social life. At every point in their advance, Muslims destroyed unlawful practices and created a free and tolerant environment. In the areas of religion, language and culture, they made it possible for people totally opposite to each other to live under the same roof in freedom and peace, thereby giving to those subject to them the advantages of knowledge, wealth and position. Likewise, one of the most important reasons that the large and widespread Ottoman Empire was able to sustain its existence for so many centuries was that its way of life was directed by the tolerance and understanding brought by Islam. For centuries Muslims have been characterized by their tolerance and compassion. In every period of time they have been the most just and merciful of people. All ethnic groups within this multi-national community freely practiced the religions they have followed for years and enjoyed every opportunity to live in their own cultures and worship in their own way.
Indeed, the particular tolerance of Muslims, when practiced as commanded in the Qur'an, can alone bring peace and well-being to the whole world. The Qur'an refers to this particular kind of tolerance:
A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend. (Surat al-Fussilat: 34)
All this shows that the moral teaching offered to humanity by Islam is one that will bring peace, happiness and justice to the world. The barbarism that is happening in the world today under the name of "Islamic Terrorism" is completely removed from the moral teachings of the Qur'an; it is the work of ignorant, bigoted people, criminals who have nothing to do with religion. The solution which will applied against these individuals and groups who are trying to commit their deeds of savagery under the guise of Islam, will be the instruction of people in the true moral teaching of Islam.
In other words, the religion of Islam and the moral teaching of the Qur'an are not the supporters of terrorism and the terrorists, but the remedy by which the world can be saved from the scourge of terrorism.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Part 1 - The True Islamic Morals
The holy source of Islam is the Qur'an; and the model of morality in the Qur'an is completely different from the image of it formed in the minds of some westerners. The Qur'an is based on the concepts of morality, love, compassion, mercy, modesty, self-sacrifice, tolerance and peace, and a Muslim who truly lives according to these moral precepts is highly refined, thoughtful, tolerant, trustworthy and accommodating. To those around him he gives love, respect, peace of mind and a sense of the joy of life.
Islam Is A Religion Of Peace And Well-Being
The word Islam has the same meaning as "peace" in Arabic. Islam is a religion that came down to offer humanity a life filled with the peace and well-being in which God's eternal mercy and compassion is manifested in the world. God invites all people to accept the moral teachings of the Qur'an as a model whereby mercy, compassion, tolerance and peace may be experienced in the world. In Surat al-Baqara verse 208, this command is given:
You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you.
As we see in this verse, people will experience well-being and happiness by living according to the moral teaching of the Qur'an.
God Condemns Mischief
God has commanded humanity to avoid evil; he has forbidden immorality, rebellion, cruelty, aggressiveness, murder and bloodshed. Those who do not obey this command of God are walking in the steps of Satan, as it says in the verse above, and have adopted an attitude that God has clearly declared unlawful. Of the many verses that bear on this subject, here are only two:
But as for those who break God's contract after it has been agreed and sever what God has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption in the earth, the curse will be upon them. They will have the Evil Abode. (Surat ar-Ra'd: 25)
Seek the abode of the hereafter with what God has given you, without forgetting your portion of the world. And do good as God has been good to you. And do not seek to cause mischief on earth. God does not love mischief makers.' (Surat al-Qasas: 77)
As we can see, God has forbidden every kind of mischievous acts in the religion of Islam including terrorism and violence, and condemned those who commit such deeds. A Muslim lends beauty to the world and improves it.
Islam Defends Tolerance And Freedom Of Speech
Islam is a religion which fosters freedom of life, ideas and thought. It has forbidden tension and conflict among people, calumny, suspicion and even having negative thoughts about another individual.
Islam has not only forbidden terror and violence, but also even the slightest imposition of any idea on another human being.
There is no compulsion in religion. Right guidance has become clearly distinct from error. Anyone who rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way. God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat al-Baqara: 256)
So remind, you need only to remind. You cannot compel them to believe. (Surat al-Ghashiyah: 22)
To force anyone to believe in a religion or to practice it, is against the spirit and essence of Islam. Because it is necessary that faith be accepted with free will and conscience. Of course, Muslims may urge one another to keep the moral precepts taught in the Qur'an, but they never use compulsion. In any case, an individual cannot be induced to the practice of religion by either threat or offering him a worldly privilege.
Let us imagine a completely opposite model of society. For example, a world in which people are forced by law to practice religion. Such a model of society is completely contrary to Islam because faith and worship have value only when they are directed toward God. If there were a system that forced people to believe and worship, people would be religious only out of fear of the system. What is acceptable from the point of view of religion is that religion be practiced in an environment where freedom of conscience is permitted, and that it be practiced only for the approval of God.
Nasi Ayam
Nasi Ayam
Bahan utk Nasi:-
3 pot beras @ mengikut sukatan sendiri
1 btg serai (diketuk)
1 helai daun pandan (disimpul)
2 kuntum bunga lawang
4 biji bunga cengkih
1 btg kulit kayu manis
4 biji buah pelaga
1 senduk majerin utk menumis
2 ulas bawang putih di tumbuk bersama
halia sebesar ibu jri dewasa
Bahan utk Sos Cili:-
4 biji cili mereh
2 ulas bawang putih
1 senduk bulat air rebusan
secubit garam dan gula
Bahan utk Sos Kicap:-
1 senduk bulat air rebusan
1 sudu kecil minyak bijan
4 sudu besar kicap manis
2 sudu besar kicap masin
Bahan utk Sup & Ayam:-
1 ekor ayam ( dipotong 4 bahagian)
2 kiub pati ayam
Air mengikut separuh saiz periuk anda
Bahan A:-
1 biji bawang besar
2 ulas bawang putih
haliz sebesar ibu jari dewasa
(dikisar kesemuanya)
Bahan B:-
3 sudu besar madu
4 sudu besar sos tiram
3 sudu besar kicap manis
1 sudu besar minyak bijan
( dicampurkan kesemuanya)
Cara membuat Sup & Ayam:-
1. Tumis bahan A sehingga naik baunya. kemudian masukkan air mengikut separuh saiz periuk anda.
2. Masukkan kiub pati ayam apabila hampir mendidih masukkan ayam dan rebuslah selama 1/2 jam.
3.Selepas itu angkat dan toskan ayam. Air selebihnya jgn di buang. Gaulkan bahan B pada ayam tadi gaul sehingga sebati dan perapkan selama 2 jam. Kemudian goreng dengan api yg perlahan supaya tidak hangus.
4. Lebihan air resbusan tadi di buat sup. Tambahkan sedikit air. Masukkan serbuk perasa dan sedikit garam. Masaklah sehingga masak. Kalau suka semasa menghidangkannya taburkan bawang goreng dan daun bawang.
Cara membuat Nasi:-
1. Basuh beras dan toskan, Kemudian masukkan beras ke dalam periuk biasa atau periuk elektrik. Masukkan juga daun pandan dan serai. Biarkan seketika.
2. Panaskan kuali masukkan mentega. Apabila mentega cair masukkan bahan yg di tumbuk tadi, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, buah pelaga, kulit kayu manis sehingga naik baunya.
3. Padamkan api masukkan kedalam periuk elektrik dan air rebusan mengikut sukatan beras anda. Masaklah nasi seperti biasa.
Cara membuat Sos Cili:-
Kisar cili merah dan bawang putih bersama garam, gula, dan air rebusan. Sedia dihidang.
Cara membuat Sos Kicap:-
Campurkan kesemua bahan-bahan membuat sos kicap dan kacau sehingga rata. Kemudian sedia dihidang.
Cadangan Hidangan:
1.daun salad
Goreng ayam api jangan terlalu kuat kerana ayam yg dicampur madu di kuatiri hangus.
Gerrard first premier league hatrick
Liverpool's 5-0 destruction of Aston Villa on Sunday has sent a message to Manchester United that Rafa Benitez's side are determined to snatch the title from Old Trafford. Gerrard's first Premier League hat-trick helped Liverpool move within one point of United, the Reds captain knows the race for the Premier League is starting to hot up.United still have a game in hand over Rafa Benitez's men, who have 11 goals in their last three league matches, giving them a superior goal difference over the leaders. Dirk Kuyt took just eight minutes to score against a Villa side who are chasing one of the four Champions League spots.
Xabi Alonso's glancing header from a free kick taken by Gerrard hit the crossbar and Kuyt reacted quickest to fire the rebound into the net from 12 yards.
Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina teed up the second in the 33rd minute, launching an 80-yard clearance that bounced once on the edge of the penalty area before Albert Riera volleyed the dropping ball high past Brad Friedel.
Riera provided the opening for Liverpool's third in the 39th. The Spanish winger was brought down in the penalty area by Nigel Reo-Coker and Gerrard sent Friedel the wrong way with his spot kick.
Any thought of a Villa revival was crushed five minutes into the second half when Carlos Cuellar brought down Kuyt and Gerrard struck the resulting free kick low into the bottom corner of Friedel's net.
Villa's miserable afternoon at Anfield was compounded when Friedel was sent off for bringing down Fernando Torres as he surged forward to meet Alonso's ball and Gerrard dispatched another penalty in the 65th.
It was Liverpool's biggest win of the season and came days after Benitez signed a new five-year contract. It will also revive hopes that the Spaniard can end the club's 19-year wait for its 19th English title.
Good news for malaysia liverpool fc fan
Liverpool could play in Malaysia
Liverpool could play in Malaysia as part of the club's pre-season tour of Asia next year.
Football Focus Group Ltd, a sports events promotion company based in Hong Kong, want to see Liverpool take on Selangor at the Stadium Shah Alam.
Selangor team manager Zakaria Ab Rahim said: "The only problem would be local regulations that forbid any form of advertisement on sporting apparels which display names of alcohol related material on their jersey, when playing in Malaysia.
"I was made to understand that they can revert to a number of options that would not infringe any regulations in Malaysia."
If a deal is struck, the game would be played in July or August.
Untuk Para peminat Liverpool FC di Malaysia, ini satu berita gembira untuk kita. Peluang untuk melihat Torres dan Gerrard bermain di malaysia jarang sekali. Marilah kita berharap agar Liverpool FC beralih sponsor agar tiada lagi halangan untuk beraksi di Malaysia.Konsert Minggu Kedua - Hafiz mendapat undian tertinggi manakala Adila tersingkir
Adila Pertama Tersingkir
Dua beg yang dibawa ke pentas hanya tinggal gimik semata-mata apabila hanya seorang pelajar iaitu Adila, 22, atau nama sebenarnya Nas Adila Mohd Dan diumumkan tersingkir pada Konsert Akademi Fantasia 7 yang disiarkan menerusi Astro Ria (Saluran 104).
Adila yang menyampaikan persembahan menghiburkan menerusi lagu Merawat Luka Terpendam nyanyian asal Liza Hanim dan Asyik oleh Amelina bagaimana pun gagal meraih undian penonton malam ini- sumber dari laman web astro.
Berikut adalah keputusan undian selepas undian ditutup.
ISMA 10%
AF7 - Konsert Minggu Pertama -Tiada Penyingkiran
Pelajar Lelaki
AKIM - Hatiku Kau Luka (Alleycats)
ARIL - Rahasia Perempuan (Ari Lasso)
HAFIZ - Lagu Kita (Aizat)
OBRI - Jeritan Batinku (P.Ramlee)
QHAUD - Phoenix Bangkit (M.Nasir)
SIDI - Terima Kasih Cinta (Afgan)
YAZID - Penghujung Rindu (Jamal Abdillah)
Pelajar Wanita
ADILA - Di Bawah Pohon Asmara (Jaclyn Victor)
AISHAH - Dan Sebenarnya (Yuna)
CLAUDIA - Sempurna (Andra & The Backbone)
ISMA - Sepi (Yuni Shara)
RINI - Elegi Sepi (Azharina)
RUBISA - Matahariku (Agnes Monica)
ZIZI - Molek (Elyana)
Pengacara AF7, AC Mizal mengumumkan konsert AF7 yang pertama tiada penyingkiran. Keputusan sudah dijangkakan oleh sebilangan peminat AF musim ke7 yang berlangsung di Dewan Seri Putra Bukit Jalil ini. Ini bermakna semua pelajar berpeluang untuk beraksi di konsert yang kedua. Isma dan Aril adalah antara pelajar yang mencuri tumpuan pada konsert pertama ini. Mampukah mereka bertahan sehingga konsert akhir sama-sama kita nantikan.
AF7 - Finalist
Senarai Warga Akademi Fantasia 7
Pengetua : Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina
Guru Vokal Persembahan : Siti Hajar Ismail
Guru Vokal Teknikal : Cikgu Shafi (Shafizawati Sharif )
Guru Motivasi dan Bahasa Inggeris : Fatimah Abu Bakar
Pengarah Muzik : Hashridz Murshim Hassim (Acis)
Guru Seni Persembahan dan Lakonan : Ida Nerina
Guru Koreografi : A. Aris A. Kadir
Pengacara Konsert : AC Mizal
Pengacara Dairi AF : Sarimah Ibrahim
Pelajar Lelaki: 7 orang.
- AKIM (Afiq Hakim bin Ahmad, 18, Johor)
- OBRI (Ahmad Sobri bin Hasmuni, 24, Johor)
- ARIL (Khairil Azam bin Pilus, 24, Kuala Lumpur)
- HAFIZ (Mohd. Hafiz bin Mohd Suip, 19, Sarawak)
- QHAUD (Mohd Qhauhd bin Abdul Rashid, 25, Selangor)
- SIDI (Mohd. Rashidi bin Mohamad Isa, 27, Perak)
- YAZID (Mohd. Yazid bin Ibrahim, 22, Johor).
- CLAUDIA (Claudia Fay Geres, 24, Sarawak)
- ISMA (Ismaliza binti Ismail, 30, Kuala Lumpur)
- ADILA (Nas Adila binti Mohd Dan, 23, Johor)
- ZIZI (Nur Fazelah @ Zizie binti Mohd Tahil, Sabah )
- RUBISA (Rubisa binti Tiasin; 23, Sabah)
- AISHAH (Siti Aishah binti Bujang, 18, Sarawak)
- RINI (Zuzafrini binti Zulkifli, 26, Selangor)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Part 1 - Mungkinkah Atlantis itu kepulauan melayu?
Atlantis adalah nama sebuah pulau yang digambarkan oleh ahli falsafah Yunani Kuno iaitu Plato.Menurut Plato, pulau Atlantis merupakan kuasa marin yang menakluk sebahagian besar Eropah barat dan Afrika. Pulau Atlantis tenggelam akibat malapetaka semulajadi yang berlaku 9,000 tahun sebelum zaman Plato.
Oleh kerana kisah ini hanya diceritakan oleh Plato, Atlantis kemungkinannya satu mitos yang direka bagi menyokong teori politiknya tetapi berdasarkan fakta sejarah. Walaupun tujuan penceritaan Atlantis jelas bagi kebanyakan sarjana, mereka tidak sependapat untuk menyandarkan cerita ini berasaskan fakta sejarah. Sesetengah sarjana mendakwa Plato menyedok cerita atlantis daripada kejadian silam seperti letupan Thera dan perang Trojan, sementara sarjana lain berpendapat bahawa Plato mengambil inspirasi dari kejadian semasa seperti kemusnahan Helike (373 SM) atau kegagalan Athenian menjelajah sicily pada tahun 415–413 SM.
Atlantis merupakan sebuah negara pulau dan merupakan kuasa maritim yang unggul pada waktu itu. Di percayai bentuk pulau Atlantis seakan-akan bentuk mata lembu(shape of a bullseye). Penduduk Atlantis sangat bertamadun, menguasai pelbagai bidang ilmu dan teknologi yang melangkaui zaman, hidup aman damai dan merupakan pelaut yang unggul. Menurut Plato, pulau Atlantis lenyap dari muka bumi tenggelam kedasar lautan dan sebahagiannya pecah dan terdampar di beberapa benua.
Sesetengah pengkaji Atlantis berpendapat sebahagian Atlantis adalah Bahamas. Seorang penulis buku "The last Atlantis book you'll ever have to read" bernama Gene Matlock mendakwa menemui Atlantis di Mexico. Beliau juga mendakwa bahasa sanskit yang dituturkan di india suatu masa dahulu merupakan IBU dalam kebanyakan bahasa yang ada sekarang. Ada juga pengkaji mendakwa Cuba, Bolivia, Antartic, Kepulauan Caribbean dan Bahama adalah lokasi sebenar Atlantis. Tetapi ada satu teori yang yang mendakwa Atlantis terletak di kepulauan Sunda/Indonesia. Teori ini mengambil kira faktor geografi dan keadaan muka bumi kepulauan sunda tersebut yang mana banyak terdapat gunung berapi. Teori ini tidak boleh diketepikan begitu sahaja kerana kita mengambil fakta sejarah bahawa letusan gunung berapi krakatoa telah menengelamkan pulau krakatoa. Jadi tidak mustahil perkara yang sama juga terjadi terhadap Atlantis jika ia terletak di kepulauan sunda ini. Berdasarkan fakta ini penulis akan cuba mengaitkan keadaan geologi, geografi, sosiobudaya, cerita mitos dan lagenda melayu dan kepakaran maritim bangsa melayu dengan Atlantis.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Part 2 - Diantara mitos, lagenda, cerita rakyat dan realiti
Manuskrip Hikayat Hang Tuah
Benarkah Hang Tuah(Too Ah), Hang Jebat(Jee Fat), Hang Lekir(Lee Ker) dan Hang Lekiu(Lee Kiew) juga Hang Kasturi(mcm nama india je) berbangsa cina?
Persoalan kedua:
Hujah apakah orang-orang ini pakai sebagai rujukan dan sandaran?
Persoalan ketiga:
kenapakah persoalan ini wujud sekarang?
Persoalan keempat:
Siapakah orang-orang ini?
Persoalan kelima:
Apakah tujuan mereka?
Penulis ingin mengutarakan satu soalan mudah untuk kita kongsi bersama.
Bolehkah seorang cina, baru beberapa tahun atau mungkin berbelas tahun datang ke melaka bersama rombongan Puteri Hang Li Po seramai 500 orang (sumber W.G. Shellabear) dengan cepatnya menyesuaikan diri dengan agama, adat istana, adat resam melayu (malah Hang Tuah dituduh berzina), mentaati sultan seperti mana melayu, bersilat (bukan berkung fu) dan yang paling penting berkata "Takkan melayu hilang didunia".
Masyarakat Baba & Nyonya masih mengamalkan sebahagian budaya cina sehingga sekarang. Kenapakah Hang Tuah kalau dikatakan berbangsa cina tidak berbudaya seperti mereka?Penghikayatan Hang Tuah menceritakan tiga zaman di zaman kesultanan melayu melaka iaitu zaman permulaan sebuah kerajaan, zaman kegemilangan dan zaman kejatuhan kerajaan melaka. Pada dasarnya Hikayat Hang Tuah menceritakan kelangsungan sosiobudaya bangsa melayu dan bukanlah sebaliknya.
Yang menjadi persoalan juga kenapa nama Hang Tuah dan sahabatnya sahaja yang bertukar dan di melayukan kenapa tidak Puteri Hang Li Po. Mungkin nama Hang Li Po pun boleh di melayukan juga contohnya Puteri Halipah, Halimah atau Puteri Bukit Cina (seakan nama Puteri Gunung Ledang). Tetapi hal ini tidak berlaku. Anak Puteri Hang Li Po pula bernama Paduka Mamat (setengahnya riwayat Paduka Mimat) adalah nama kebiasaan orang melayu. Tidak timbul sebutan yang di serasikan dengan sebutan melayu. Marilah bersama-sama kita selasaikan misteri ini.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Part 1 - Diantara mitos, lagenda, cerita rakyat dan realiti
Bahagian 1
Hikayat 5 bersaudara
Perasaan penulis:
Aku sedih
orang - orang ini terus bertanya
mereka - mereka ini terus bertanya lagi
puak -puak ini tak bosan bertanya
Adakah Tuah
benarkah Jebat
harumkah lagi Kasturi
wujudkah Lekiu
oh...... Lekir, betulkah ini semua?
Aku lagi sedih
orang - orangku pun bertanya
cukuplah bertanya lagi
Taming sari siapa empunya
Puteri Gunung Ledang mana datangnya
atau........niat mereka?
sekadar mengusik
cerita itulah mohor orang - orang ku
mari kita cari semuanya
dan mereka.......
Takkan melayu hilang di dunia
Azeem El-Douri