Monday, March 23, 2009

Good news for malaysia liverpool fc fan

Liverpool could play in Malaysia

Liverpool could play in Malaysia as part of the club's pre-season tour of Asia next year.

Football Focus Group Ltd, a sports events promotion company based in Hong Kong, want to see Liverpool take on Selangor at the Stadium Shah Alam.

Selangor team manager Zakaria Ab Rahim said: "The only problem would be local regulations that forbid any form of advertisement on sporting apparels which display names of alcohol related material on their jersey, when playing in Malaysia.

"I was made to understand that they can revert to a number of options that would not infringe any regulations in Malaysia."

If a deal is struck, the game would be played in July or August.

Untuk Para peminat Liverpool FC di Malaysia, ini satu berita gembira untuk kita. Peluang untuk melihat Torres dan Gerrard bermain di malaysia jarang sekali. Marilah kita berharap agar Liverpool FC beralih sponsor agar tiada lagi halangan untuk beraksi di Malaysia.

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